Forum Discussion
Button to copy News page body to a calendar?
- Feb 03, 2023
HI barlage,
sure, this is possible, but you could also just- add a "MaintenanceDate" column to your site pages library and
- create a new calendar view on the site page library
- using the "Maintenance Date" in the fields "Start date on calendar" and "End date on calendar"
Now you have a "Calendar" View of your news and don't need another calendar list.
You can edit the "MaintenanceDate" on every page by simply going into "Page details" if you are in edit mode.
Best Regards,
SvenSieverding, Thank you so much for the reply. This is a great solution and exactly what I was looking for!
SvenSieverding, I do have one additional question for using this method. Do you know any way to prevent users from uploading documents to the SitePages library if they click on a date on the calendar view? I want users to be able to add news pages, but I don't want them clicking the calendar to try to add an event and then uploading a document to Site Pages. My example is below.