Forum Discussion
Joanna Parkhurst
Apr 02, 2018Tell Us More: Views and Reporting Options in Planner
Hello Planner users!
Planner recently added a "Bucket Chart" to the Charts page, and we're continuing to think about ways to improve this view. I've heard snippets of feedback regarding pain po...
May 22, 2019Copper Contributor
Joanna Parkhurst As a manager of different teams and projects, each having a separate Planner, we need a view to manage these across all the Planners. I need to see all the tasks assigned to a team member and their statuses, just as I can see my own, across Planners.
- rajeshprabhakaran0365Nov 13, 2019Copper Contributor
Ken_Farmer It would be worth checking the power bi planner integration template - here's a link. I found it useful and is very easy to set-it-up.