Forum Discussion

cappasmadison's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 02, 2023

Planner Folder

Is there a way to organize plans into different folders?? If not, can we request to get that feature added? I have a lot and would love to organize them based on dates/types/etc.

  • LeonPavesic's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    Hi cappasmadison,


    unfortunately, you currently can't organize plans into different folders in Microsoft Planner. However, this is a feature that many users have requested, and the Microsoft team is considering adding it in a future update.

    If you would like to you can send a feedback request to Microsoft in Microsoft Planner:

    - Click the Settings icon

    - Under "Planner" click "Send Planner feedback".

    - This opens "Send Feedback to Microsoft"

    - Click on "I have a suggestion" 


    As a small workaround you can use tags to organize your plans. Tags are a great way to group plans together based on different criteria, such as dates, types, or projects. To add a tag to a plan, simply type the tag name into the "Tags" field when you are creating or editing the plan.

    Flag your tasks with labels - Microsoft Support

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    Kindest regards,

    Leon Pavesic
