Forum Discussion

MatthewJamesDavis's avatar
Iron Contributor
Nov 14, 2023

Planner Comments Notifications Resolved

Just created what i believe is a highly effective method to ensure Planner Comment Notifications work seamlessly. We're all familiar with the challenge of comments getting overlooked, especially when staff members haven't previously engaged with a particular task. My new Power Automate solution addresses this issue by sending emails (or you can switch to Teams if preferred) to everyone assigned to a task whenever a comment is posted. The email includes the comment itself and a link to the corresponding task. To adhere to best practices, I created the automation in my user account but set it up to automatically send from an admin@ account. This step isn't mandatory but is recommended, especially if you anticipate commenting on numerous tasks yourself as the automation "owner".


I've uploaded a brief 20-second video demonstrating the functionality. I'd appreciate likes and comments, and I'm more than willing to share the solution. This automation is part of a larger course/solution package I'm developing. Other upcoming features include automatic assignment of unique project codes (you can catch a glimpse of it in the video), auto-assignment of staff based on labels (for instance, if your yellow label is labeled Marketing, it automatically assigns everyone in marketing when used), and more.


I'm eager to hear your thoughts on the comment notification solution; I believe it's one of the most visually appealing solutions available. If want to access the comment notification just @mention me in the comments below.

  • rcbecker88's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Hi Matthew,

    Awesome solution, by chance do you have an updated PDF that resolves the issue concerning step 29? I also followed the solutions link you provided but was given a 404 error unfortunately.


    • MatthewJamesDavis's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      Hi there, thanks for the kind words. Just released version two which has some major upgrades. Posted in the community group, can find here:

  • MatthewR2270's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Matthew that is an awesome way to code around planner sending comments to only task assignees versus all project people. One question I would like to take this one step further and not include all the people assigned to the task, but only those we want to call out (or @ mention). Would a possible way to do this is use @ mentions in the comment and then parse the comment for specific @ mentions looking for certain text such as "@matthew" and if that is found within the comment there would be another table for who the email address is to send to. Another option would to always start the comment with @ mention and then end it with a special character to delineate the end like # such as "@matthew#", not sure how you would handle multiple people. Just seeing if you had any ideas on doing this? Thanks for your feedback!

    • MatthewJamesDavis's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      Hi Matthew, thanks for the kind words and great ideas. I’ve just posted a brand new version of this solution. It doesn't include the ability to @mention multiple people yet but you’ve motivated to look at that for next redesign. For now, you can access the latest version here

      • MatthewR2270's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        Thanks so much for the solution and quick turnaround on this! We will let you know how it goes and any feedback. This would be a game changer for this platform.
    • Jotaelecd's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      I have requested the file on the web, but it gives an error when importing it. This is the file:
      • stevegraphitas's avatar
        Copper Contributor

        Jotaelecd I had similar problem with the ZIP file.


        I managed to upload it using "Import Solution (Dataverse)" rather than "Import Package (Legacy)"


        Hope this helps



  • Thanks for everyones feedback on this one! I've made this even easier and created the solution. Click the link below and import the zip file into your Power Automate. Then you simply just need to change the Group ID to your relevant Planner Group ID.
    • Sean_Toomey's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      Hi Matthew. Thank you for taking the time to create this solution. Unfortunately, the ZIP file doesn't upload successfully.

      I have also spent time trying to create the flow manually following your PDF but it fails on the Get Task Id. 


      Any Suggestions? Thanks


      • MatthewJamesDavis's avatar
        Iron Contributor
        Hi Sean, sorry you've had an issue. I've just done a fresh export, so if you pop over and download again you shouldn't have any issues. if you do, drop me a message at email address removed for privacy reasons and i'll support.
  • Hakeemo's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I have the same issue with step 29.
    Could you provide help to fix this?
    • MatthewJamesDavis's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      Hi there, just posted a brand new version of the solution. Take a look via below link to the community post.

    • MatthewJamesDavis's avatar
      Iron Contributor
      Hi hopehousedaniel, I've made this even easier and created the solution. Click the link below and import the zip file into your Power Automate. Then you simply just need to change the Group ID to your relevant Planner Group ID.
    • agustin_almeida's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      I'm having the same problem. I've tried to change the parametres in the expression but I couldn't make it work. When using MatthewJamesDavis expression it says it is not valid, and the expression I'm trying to use: split(split(outputs('Get_a_thread_post')?['body/body/content'],'[')[0],'?Type=Comment')[1] goes through but fails when trying it.
      Does somebody know how to make it work?
      Thanks in advance.
      • MatthewJamesDavis's avatar
        Iron Contributor

        Hi there, just posted a brand new version of the solution. Take a look via below link to the community post. 

    • lkevkhi's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Hi Matthew,
      I am following the manual steps and I cannot copy/paste expressions. Can you please provide any feedback how can this be done?
      Thank you in advance!
      • MatthewJamesDavis's avatar
        Iron Contributor

        Hi there, just posted a brand new version of the solution. Take a look via below link to the community post. 

  • john814's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    I would love to see the automation for how you did this, comments in planner have been one of the biggest pain points without a proper @ system and i havent seen a way to trigger a flow when a comment is entered

  • Pino_MVS's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Dear Matthew,
    I really appreciate your approach and would be very interested to know how you have implemented this solution.

    Thank you



      • MatthewJamesDavis's avatar
        Iron Contributor

        Hi there, just posted a brand new version of the solution. Take a look via below link to the community post. 
