Forum Discussion

CJ Reed's avatar
CJ Reed
Brass Contributor
Mar 24, 2017

Permissions within Planner

I had an inquiry from a colleague asking if there is a way to restrict members of a plan to where they can't create buckets or move tasks around in different orders.  I think there is an interest in having some members have read only access to look at the tasks in a plan and others who have access to create buckets and move tasks around.  Is this possible or on the roadmap?

  • Steven_Ceballos's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I found a way to have the assigned task display in teams to only the user to which that task was assigned to. Teams is the app my team uses. I use the planner to make the task and assign them. The people who use planner will be able to see all the tasks and the people that only use the teams app will only see the assigned tasks. Just found out today and will be testing out to see how it works
    • shameel123's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      Okay, so I have found a solution or you may call it a workaround.


      Go to


      Create your plan, attach it to your respective team and assign the task.


      Ask your teammates to open teams and open an app:


      Now they will only be able to see assigned task to them




  • Dilanga's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    It's really bad how Microsoft hadn't implemented this basic feature. I am wondering are there any alternatives ?
    • Celtia's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      I was able to use a Form and a Flow to create a task - and it works great, other than a handful of things not being coded for manipulation through Flow.


      Now I have an issue where I trained everyone to manually create a task, then later simplified to use the Form... and I have a couple people who just refuse to use the Form.  Their manually created tasks are a mess.


      Interestingly, all tasks are now "made" by me when they come from the Form... So I thought I could restrict creation of Tasks to just Channel Owners.  


      NOPE.  Why not?  If a post can be created only by an owner, why not a Task?


      (Previously, I was irritated that all Tasks now look like I created them - I don't even use the system!  But if this could be used to my advantage, I wouldn't mind so much.)


      SO MUCH POTENTIAL with these tools.  But it's discouraging to see basic requests sit for 4 years without change.  

  • ArekR88's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Gezu is this still not implemented!?!? What a poor maintenance... this app has got potential but without basic functionality Microsoft developers make it useless!!
    • Claib1's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Agreed. Planner has such potential but just falls short of actually being useful. It needs the ability to handle people inside and outside of an organization, as well as being able to easily grant permissions to plan participants to view, move, edit, delete, and complete tasks. In my opinion it also needs to be linked into outlook so the person assigned to the task can actually reflect 'planned' time to work on whatever the task is and show in their calendar. Then you could get reminders to do the work and updates if it was completed or late. Not to mention track the time associated with actually completing the task.
      • Simon Goodman's avatar
        Simon Goodman
        Brass Contributor
        Agreed! But it's been like this since I first discovered it (5+ years ago). TBH I don't see any willingness coming from MS to change anything in Planner - it remains underpowered and just short of useful, it could be so much more with the addition of allowing external users and user controls (who can edit, close, and move tasks).
        With the lack of any development in this product, I have got to the point where I expect to see it retired more than developed.
    • laminblake's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      ArekR88 I'm doing some alpha testing on it but it may be possible to set up restrictions by utilizing powerapps. you build your tasks through planner but present the tasks to the users using powerapps by using the planner connector in powerapps. from there you could provide which fields they have access to edit per task and delegate who has permissions to create tasks. Granted this will be a lot of work compared to other 3rd party solutions but it would be more flexible to getting exactly what you want. 

  • Nick_V635's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    CJ Reed 

     I found a solution to the read only situation!

    If you make your plan public, you can simply send the url to someone and it will give them read only access. The only downside to making it a public plan is that anyone with the url can see the plan, but for us its a workable solution.

    • LBenn2023's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Nick_V635 At first glance this appears to work.  When users try to make changes they'll get an error.  The issue I've found with is there will be a "Join" button at the top of the page, allowing the user to join the team without the Owner's approval.  Then you're right back to square 1 - They have editing capabilities in the Planner as well as access to the entire team.

    • UKSteve's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Unfortunately this is not a full solution as anyone with the link can also join the group (without needing owner permission) and then start causing mayhem by deleting, editing, etc. (deliberately or accidently).
    • PawanPS's avatar
      Brass Contributor

      Nick_V635 I was attempting this as I too share the same concern. I was able to close/Complete tasks. Could you share your process in doing this?

  • TrischG's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    Not having the option to restrict access is a shame. I would be able to use Planner on a larger scale and bring others into it, if I had the ability to restrict their access to only the items they are assigned to. Two reasons: 1) other people's items are none of their business, 2) I need them to focus, so loading a page with a few hundred items on it is too overwhelming, when really I just want the person to focus on the 3 or 4 that pertain to them.
    • I feel you, but make sure people use their personal planner view where that only see their assigned tasks( from all plans they are member of )
      This is on the left menu under ... -> planner

      This can also be attached directly to the app list by using app policies!

      Also if people use ToDo, their assigned planner tasks can also be integrated here!

      Both options make only people’s assigned tasks visible
      • TrischG's avatar
        Brass Contributor

        adam deltinger 

        You're assuming I have administrative rights for the app itself. I only have control over my individual plans. 

  • karyjac's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    More than 2 years and this feature still not implemented? how come?

    • Wherdgo's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Now 7 years, and permissions for this app are still not enterprise-ready.  Your princess is in another castle.  

    • Eric Reed's avatar
      Eric Reed
      Copper Contributor
      It is frustrating for sure. No word. No feedback.
  • SanthoshB1's avatar
    Bronze Contributor
    As Juan said there is no way for this now because Planner uses Office 365 groups and you cannot define user roles here.
    • CJ Reed's avatar
      CJ Reed
      Brass Contributor

      Thanks for the quick responses.  It was a long shot on this request I realized.
