Forum Discussion

Deleted's avatar
Aug 23, 2016

Office 365 Groups and Planner

Hello All,


Need to clarify on few things on O365 Groups and Planner APP.


  • If i disable Office365 Group creations to entire Org Except IT Admins how will this impact to Planner? Idea is to avoid users creating many number of planners and creating mess that would end up in cleaning project for IT Admins?
  • If the office 365 groups are disabled will users will be able to see Planner App in App Launcher and when they click on it will they be allowed to create plans?
  • With the office 365 groups disabled only for users will they be able to create groups using Outlook/OWA/Sharepoint/OneDrive etc?
  • SanthoshB1's avatar
    Bronze Contributor
    For Q1: Planner will not work without the ability for users to create Groups. Planner can be accessed only by users who have permissions to create Groups.

    Q2: They can able to see Planner tile, but will not work.

    Q3: They cannot be able to create groups from anywhere.
    • Michal Mytnik's avatar
      Michal Mytnik
      Copper Contributor


      can you tell where those Groups are created? 

      In our company we have quite interesting situation. Our Exchange environment is located in O365D (Dedicated Cloud) but othe workloads are in O365 DvNext environment. So in theory we Planner shouldn't work on our environment since we don't have exchange but for some reason all Planner features work perfectly. If it's true that it requires Groups then the quesiton is where are those created in case of our environment. 

      Would you be able to answer that quesiton or point me to someone whom I can continue this dicussion with?

      • jcgonzalezmartin's avatar
        Interesting scenario...even being in O365 D, I believe Groups and Planner should work in the same way. In regards of your last question, Groups are built on top of Azure AD, EXO and SPO so you need the three in order to be able to create a Group. In regards of you Planner: what happens when you try access Plan files?
