Forum Discussion

Jordan Fox's avatar
Jordan Fox
Copper Contributor
Jul 23, 2019

Notifications stopped working July 10th

Hi All,


We extensively use Planner integrated with Teams and have noticed recently that all notifications to personal email boxes and push notifications to phones have stopped working for all of our employees as of July 10th. We don't have a lot of the planners set up to push to the team conversation, but almost everyone has the group favorited, has their notifications turned on in groups, and notifications turned on for replies to me and group events turned on in the planner plan settings, yet all emails / push notifications just stopped at around noon on July 10th.

Can't really figure this out. Has anything changed?

  • alexfalcone's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Jordan Foxwe're having same problem in our compnay, but it happens only for two users part of a group of 8 people that work on Teams and Planner. Since some days, maybe 10 of July but I cannot confirm exactly, 2 users stopped to receive notifications form Planner. Nothing was changed.

    • Nicolle Brice's avatar
      Nicolle Brice
      Brass Contributor

      Same here..  Notifications have stopped working.  We are getting several reports that new tasks assigned notifications are failing... have checked all settings.  Something has gone wrong.
