Forum Discussion
Clemens Roth
Jan 22, 2018Copper Contributor
Microsoft Planner on Surface Hub
Dear Community,
we're currently trying out the surface hub as our digital kanban board. So far it's ok but we now have a critical issue: If the buckets contain too many cards you have to scroll wit...
Jan 22, 2018
What if you use the keyboard that comes with the Surface Hub?
- Clemens RothJan 23, 2018Copper Contributor
Thanks for your replies Loryan Strant!
When I use the touchpad on the keyboard it's possible to scroll. The mouse activates the scrollbar when I hover over the bucket. After I activated the scroolbar once using the Keyboard it's occasionally also possible to scroll directly using the touchdisplay of the Surface hub.
However, it's not possible to scroll without using the mouse (aka touchpad on the keyboard) at least once.
I believe it should work seemlessly without additional Input device.