Forum Discussion

jcgonzalezmartin's avatar
Jul 31, 2016

In which Office 365 Plans is Planner available?

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This is a very common question I’m seeing frequently in different Office 365 forums. Fortunately, you can find the answer in the official announcement about Planner Preview published last year by Microsoft:

As you can see in the FAQs sections and also after some research:

  • Planner should be available (bear in mind that Planner general availability was announced last June, so it’s still being rolled out WW…according to Microsoft, Planner roll out should finish in August) in the following Office 365 plans:

    • Office 365 Business Essentials.
    • Office 365 Business Premium.
    • Office 365 Enterprise E1.
    • Office 365 Enterprise E3.
    • Office 365 Enterprise E4 (this plan it’s not commercially available anymore, but it could happen there are still some customer using it).
    • Office 365 Enterprise E5.
    • Office 365 Education.
    • Office 365 Education E3 (this plan is not available anymore).
    • Office 365 Education E4 (this plan is not available anymore).
    • Office 365 Education E5.
  • As it’s stated in the same blog, Microsoft will add Planner to additional Office 365 plans (Office 365 for Non-Profits and Office 365 for Government)

Some additional references:

  • EDIT 11/15/2016: Planner is now showing up for my non-profit E1 under the license and also in their app launcher.


    Should Planner be available for my Nonprofit E1 users? It's available for our Nonprofit E3 users, however it doesn't even show up as a feature in the Admin portal user license blade:

    • jcgonzalezmartin's avatar
      Planner is still being rolled out so it could happen it's not rolled out for the way, Planner was not available for not profits at GA and there is a promise from Microsoft to add Planner to Office 365 for non ETA defined yet
      • Stephan Swinford's avatar
        Stephan Swinford
        Steel Contributor

        jcgonzalezmartin wrote:
        Planner is still being rolled out so it could happen it's not rolled out for the way, Planner was not available for not profits at GA and there is a promise from Microsoft to add Planner to Office 365 for non ETA defined yet

        But it is available in my non-Profit, though only in the E3 or E5 plans. It's just weird that it isn't included in the E1 plan.


        I'm going to try opening a support ticket. Maybe it was a simple oversight with it not getting 'turned on' for the NP E1 SKU.
