Forum Discussion

VincentTotal's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 10, 2020

How to sync a planner plan with an excel file?

Hi @ Planner Community,

I wonder how I could sync a list of task in a Planner plan with an Excel file.

I cannot find any doc in this community or anywhere else.


In Excel (v. 16.0.11328.20438), in Data* tab > Get data*, I'm trying to connect to my plan and get the related data using:

  1. "From another source > From a Sharepoint list"*
  2. "From another source > From the web"*
  3. "From an online service > From a SharePoint Online list"*
  4. "From a file > From a SharePoint folder"*

but none of these works ...


The only one that gives me hint it connects to the right plan is the #2: indeed the pop-up window shows in the left hand side when in "browser display"* tab my plan.


But no way to get the data in the same form as a simple export of my plan.


I've search on Planner API on Microsoft Graph too ( but I don't know how to make this work.


Any idea about how I could simply (I'm a simple user, not an admin, not a dev) get my plan synced in a file under the format of a simple list of tasks (I used to sync tasks lists in SharePoint that same way some years ago, very simple, no need to be a genius tech dev)?


Thank you in advance,


* : I'm using a French version of Excel, then my own English translation of the menu titles might be not fully correct ...
