Forum Discussion
Mar 30, 2020Copper Contributor
Guest Acces Problem
Hi, I created a group in office365 with Teams enabled. Afterwards I created a guest user. The guest user can access the Sharepoint Site, the Team the notebook etc. The guest user is unable to ac...
sebastianbeck can you try the login again - at<yourtenant> My colleagues changed something.
For the SharePoint error I'm seeing the same issue and we are still investigating - this has a slightly different authentication flow - but you should be at least unblocked for guest access directly to Planner.
Best regards,
Apr 14, 2020Copper Contributor
- Brian-SmithApr 14, 2020Microsoft
sebastianbeck the fix is getting close - just going through our validation rings. I'd expect either later this week or early next? This same issue also is causing an issue for guest access via the Android app too.
Best regards,