Forum Discussion

OAGM-JU's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 21, 2019

Group owner as global admin


I am a global admin in our organization, and I'd like to be a group owner of all groups existing in our organization by default. Today, I tried deleting a plan in Planner but couldn't do it, since only the group owner is able to do so.


Any ideas?

Thanks Julius

  • OAGM-JU 


    This is expected behavior. To delete a plan (or group), you should have been already added as owner of the group. You can't delete the plan without being a owner of the group even though you have Global Admin privilege.


    Since you have global admin privilege,  you can easily add yourself as owner of the group using the Exchange Online powershell cmdlet Add-UnifiedGroupLinks and try again.


    $userToAddOwner = ""
    Add-UnifiedGroupLinks –Identity "O365Group" –LinkType Owners –Links $userToAddOwner  


  • OAGM-JU 


    This is expected behavior. To delete a plan (or group), you should have been already added as owner of the group. You can't delete the plan without being a owner of the group even though you have Global Admin privilege.


    Since you have global admin privilege,  you can easily add yourself as owner of the group using the Exchange Online powershell cmdlet Add-UnifiedGroupLinks and try again.


    $userToAddOwner = ""
    Add-UnifiedGroupLinks –Identity "O365Group" –LinkType Owners –Links $userToAddOwner  


    • OAGM-JU's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Thanks kombaiah Murugan!


      when using PowerShell I have to manually fill group name and user name such as. I was hoping to set a default, add my user as an owner to all groups created within my organization. 


      Any idea?

      • kombaiah Murugan's avatar
        kombaiah Murugan
        Brass Contributor



        You can try below script :


        $userToAddOwner = ""
        Get-UnifiedGroup -ResultSize Unlimited | ForEach-Object {
        Add-UnifiedGroupLinks –Identity $_.Name –LinkType Owners –Links $userToAddOwner
