Forum Discussion

dduzanec's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 30, 2024

Due dates for subtasks and marking changes made by users

What seems to be missing in the planner app is more precise defining of subtasks.
In the moment there is only the possibility of checklisting.
It would be very useful to give the subtasks their own due dates, who is responsible, to add documents or images to the subtask and to even give the possibilities to give more subtasks into the parent subtask.  

Also, every user can change the tasks. Even delete them. 
I find it would be necassary either to block users to edit due dates or delete subtasks, or for all the changes to be recorded (who changed something and what was changed).

This is what I find would be of big importance.


  • SanthoshB1's avatar
    Bronze Contributor
    At the moment sub-tasks in Planner is not available, you can upvote in user voice or have to move to MS Project. Alternately, if you wish to use Planner, you can use third party apps such as Apps4.Pro Planner which allows you to create sub-tasks and assign to different users.
