Forum Discussion
Silver Partner
How do I redeem my Silver Partner status? Or apply for a new one?
- LicensingConcierge1Microsoft
There is not enough information to answer your question. Additionally, renewing depends on certain factors. That said, please start by reviewing the following - Solutions Partner - frequently asked questions - Partner Center | Microsoft Learn
If applicable, you should proceed by reviewing the following document that's found in Partner Center - Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program FAQ
CSP Partners can log into Partner Center to find resources such as the FAQ that I listed above, as well as the Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program benefits guide.
If after reviewing the resources above you have additional questions, please let me know.
If you are a Microsoft Reseller in CSP, you should work with your Indirect Provider (aka Distributor) who has a direct relationship with Microsoft and can provide you with customer support, pricing, and billing that help to ensure your success.
If this reply answers your question, please Accept as the solution to help the other members find it more quickly. Otherwise, if after reviewing the information you have additional questions, please let me know.
Regards,Microsoft CSP Licensing Concierge
- JillArmourMicrosoftCommunity Manager
VijuVCIT Hello!
I am moving your post to the partner benefits board in hopes someone can help you there.
Thank you for being part of the community!