Forum Discussion

Albra408's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 10, 2024

Outlook contacts

I received an email from a group with each address of the individuals listed. Can I creat new contact and copy those addresses into the email slot?

  • LeonPavesic's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    Hi Albra408,

    yes, you can create new contacts and add email addresses to them.

    To add email addresses from a group email to your contacts in Microsoft Outlook, follow these steps:

    1. Open Microsoft Outlook on your computer.
    2. Access the email containing the group addresses.
    3. Highlight and copy the email addresses from the message.
    4. Navigate to the "People" section in Outlook.
    5. Create a new contact by selecting "New Contact" or "New" and then "Contact."
    6. Paste the copied email addresses into the appropriate field in the new contact form, labeled "E-mail."
    7. Optionally, provide additional details such as names and phone numbers.
    8. Save the contact.

    In the future, when you want to email this group, simply type the contact group's name, and Outlook will automatically populate the email addresses for you.

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    Kindest regards,

    Leon Pavesic
