Forum Discussion

Nazul's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 22, 2024

New Outlook - Red exclamation icon in groups section

Has someone seen something like this?

After I deleted some M365 Groups I owned that I created for some tests, that icon appeared. I don't know if it is a coincidence or related... but that icon must represent something and I have no idea what it is and why is there.


If I move my cursor over it, the "more actions" button appears, or the full Groups "row" is highlighted (and the More actions button appears too)... so I cannot just put the cursor there and get some clue of the icon meaning.


If I open Outlook on the web, there's no such icon.


  • SiTidd's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Nazul, I have just had it appear in my outlook too: 

    I can't see any information about warning me of, or get rid of it

    • Nazul's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      The New Outlook was recently updated. Icons in the left sidebar are more colorful, which helped me to identify it was a new build.

      With this new build, that warning is no longer present.
