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LITHsteve's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 07, 2022

Help setting up Outlook 2019....importing .pst files from Outlook 2016


I recently rebuilt my computer and purchased the Microsoft Office bundle with Outlook 2019. My old computer used an older version of Outlook, I believe 2016. Sorry this might be long as I want to describe what I had with Outlook 2016, what I did, and what I want Outlook 2019 to look like.

In Outlook 2016, I had a section on the leftmost pane (see screenshot from old computer attached) that was called "Outlook Data file" and a few other email accounts underneath it. The Outlook Data file had a bunch of subfolders (see circled area) that stored quite a bit of a data, several gigabytes at least. The two email accounts below the Outlook Data File had folders with a few gigabytes of data in each of their folders as well.

I exported 3 .pst files from Outlook 2016- one .pst file had the "Outlook Data File" folders and my Tasks, one .pst file had email account A, and the third .pst file had email account B, the two email accounts I wanted to transfer directly over to Outlook 2019.

I installed Outlook 2019 and then immediately imported the three .pst files, one at a time, starting with the "Outlook Data File" .pst, then email A .pst, then email B .pst. I was hoping that by doing this, the leftmost pane on Outlook 2019 would look exactly like the leftmost pane of Outlook 2016 (attached). However, it didn't work out like that at all.

After having imported the three .pst files, my leftmost pane in Outlook 2019 lost the "Outlook Data File" circled section (see pic below) and all the circled subfolders entirely. The only things that are in the leftmost pane in Outlook 2019 are email accounts A & B. Further, all the folders that were underneath Outlook Data File (circled in the attached) were placed as subfolders underneath email account A and made part of email account A.

I have no idea why "Outlook Data File" disappeared and moved the folders somewhere else. I think I could solve my problem by getting the Outlook Data File "section" in the leftmost pane back in Outlook 2019. Then I could move the folders that went under email account A back under the Outlook Data file. Then I'd also have my Outlook Data File "inbox" back, which I was using as a combined inbox using the Outlook Rules.

How do I get that Outlook Data File section back so I can move my folders out of email account A back to the Outlook data file?  

Thanks for your time in advance.


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