Forum Discussion

olafuring's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 07, 2024

Entering contacts into an email list


Can I not import an existing email list directly into a new email list in Outlook (web)? There seems to be no feature for that


Importing a csv file directly into contacts gives me an error, as it only includes the emails, not all the formatting or fields in a traditional Outlook contact format:


Title,First Name,Middle Name,Last Name,Suffix,Company,Department,Job Title,Business Street,Business Street 2,Business Street 3,Business City,Business State,Business Postal Code,Business Country/Region,Home Street,Home Street 2,Home Street 3,Home City,Home State,Home Postal Code,Home Country/Region,Other Street,Other Street 2,Other Street 3,Other City,Other State,Other Postal Code,Other Country/Region,Assistant's Phone,Business Fax,Business Phone,Business Phone 2,Callback,Car Phone,Company Main Phone,Home Fax,Home Phone,Home Phone 2,ISDN,Mobile Phone,Other Fax,Other Phone,Pager,Primary Phone,Radio Phone,TTY/TDD Phone,Telex,Account,Anniversary,Assistant's Name,Billing Information,Birthday,Business Address PO Box,Categories,Children,Directory Server,E-mail Address,E-mail Type,E-mail Display Name,E-mail 2 Address,E-mail 2 Type,E-mail 2 Display Name,E-mail 3 Address,E-mail 3 Type,E-mail 3 Display Name,Gender,Government ID Number,Hobby,Home Address PO Box,Initials,Internet Free Busy,Keywords,Language,Location,Manager's Name,Mileage,Notes,Office Location,Organizational ID Number,Other Address PO Box,Priority,Private,Profession,Referred By,Sensitivity,Spouse,User 1,User 2,User 3,User 4,Web Page

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