Forum Discussion

Satnam Brar's avatar
Satnam Brar
Copper Contributor
Dec 05, 2016

OneDrive for Business restore for terminated user

Hi there


We are using a preservation policy to retain ODFB data indefinitely and before we begin the enterprise roll-out of ODFB to current employees, I would like to test the restoration/recovery of data. I have done the following:

created O365 online user accounts for soem test ex-employees; migrated their files and folders to ODFB; applied the preservation policy, and now that a few weeks have pasted, user accounts has been removed from O365.


Now, working off the premise that 180 days have passed and now someone needs access to their data, I would like to restore their data to either their delegate or another user account, just looking for any tips, or best practices/resources on how to perform this restoration as not really finding what I am looking for through Google/Bing.




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