Forum Discussion
Issues with NGSC Takeover Process
I am surprised that there were no replies on this thread. I'm not sure whether to conclude that no one else is experiencing this issue (meaning specific to me...or caused by me) or whether not enough people are using either of the takeover methods. I have reproduced this across multiple tenants, library structures and OS variants so I'm having a hard time believing that it's just me. The other possibility that I was thinking about is that, since migration is a one time deal, that it's just not that important in the long run. Another solution is to just Stop Sync'ing all Groove libraries and then resync them on the NGSC side. My hope for the takeover process was to avoid the unnecessary download. We all know the story. Remote users, low bandwidth users, etc, + multiple GB libraries equals pain. Maybe it's Groove's one last sucker punch to me!
I created a Sway to document my experience.
I'd still love to know if anyone else experiences the takeover process as documented.
I'll add a few mentions for good measure: Stephen Rose, StephenRice, Randy Wong
Sorry for the shotgun approach. That's the danger of being in an AMA.
Hi ABaerst - thanks for the comprehensive share on this topic. To date, my takeover testing has been with the reg key approach, but for mainstream adoption I was considering the /takeover switch to put some control to the end user. The reg key approach was not without issues either, but most of them were during the "preview" phase of the program, so you expect some issues. I assume you are now on the latest bits - .1212?
Anyway, I will be performing some of my own testing going forward, and will revert if I am seeing similar.