Forum Discussion

HubDamian's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 06, 2021

getTeamsUserActivityUserDetail (Date) doesn't return newest data

Hi All.

I'm currently pulling some data from Graph API in regards to Teams Usage, and I do not seem to be able to pull the most recent date data. - Here's what I'm doing.

$date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")



Whenever requesting a value smaller than -4 I seem to be able to generate data, however whenever requesting data using -3 or higher, it appears it doesn't parse me any data.

Are you aware of any constraints in regards to pulling the data over graphAPI using the 'getTeamsUserActivityUserDetail' method?


It's fairly important for me to be able to pull it on a date by date method.




  • All the reports are generated with few days delay, they are nowhere near real-time. 3 days is actually fine, we've had them lag my weeks on occasion.
