Forum Discussion

toni01's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 16, 2020

Open PDF file from MS Teams

Hi Exp,


Need some help in opening the pdf files directly from teams without using browser but to use directly from adobe reader application and not the browser. Regards

  • 1234qwer's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Is there any instrucions how to setup Teams Client to open PDF- files with Acrobat reader instead of browser?

    This browser option sucs, because of it reguires sign in procedure to acces PDF.



  • SSchaub's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Hi, does anyone have a solution for this?
    We're having problems with the integrated viewer (crashing on large pdfs) and want to open PDFs with an external app one mobile devices (IOS / Android)
  • toni01's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I want to open the file from Teams direclty in my local adobe reader in order for me to sign directly without dowanloading the file. Like MS Office application was available once you right click the document.

  • Hi toni01 


    Currently the Option available to Open the PDF Files are as below:-


    1. Open the PDF File within the Teams Application,

    2. Download the File and then we can open the File in the Adobe Reader


    That is how currently we are able to open the PDF Documents by default feature of Microsoft Teams. Below is the uservoice feature already requested by multiple people you too can vote for the same



    With Regards,

    Satish U

    • bigdogz's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      When does Microsoft plan to fix this bug?  Any other application would open the document in a new window or tab and allow me to continue in the meeting rather than take over the application to open a document.

    • toni01's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Hi Satish,
      We need to open the pdf file from ms teams, then we insert our signature. If we download the file and open in pdf its tediuos and create duplicate file.
