microphone at -12db keeps peaking and distorting in meetings
I'm using a Shure SM7B going in to an audient evo4 audio interface, and also have an inline booster to add more gain to the microphone. The setup is not specifically for teams meetings, but I have it setup at my desk and prefer if I could use it for this as well.
If I monitor my audio on my pc and on the evo4, my audio is around -12db and nowhere near peaking, but in teams its peaking and distorting. When I watch back some meeting recordings, my audio constantly peaks and gets distorted. I have a similar issue in zoom but not to the extent of Teams.
I've tested with the call back feature a lot but the quality of the playback on that is so low its sometimes hard to tell if my audio is distorting. It sounds like there's a gain boost happening server side, somewhere between 6-12dB. Is there any information on this?