Forum Discussion

PlumBob's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 19, 2020

Input lag on Forms Quiz Feedback

Hi All, Teacher here. Physics & Computer Sci background so fine with tech. I've just run a form with 85 responses. It has 20 auto-marked multi-choice and then 4 text input fields that I am marking myself. The text is roughly 200-300 characters max. I wouldn't think it was a massive data file. The setup has worked great and I am mid way through grading the papers, however:

When I am typing feedback using the comment field (the little speech bubble) on the "review answers" area. There is a huge input lag of between 2-5 seconds. Longer text = more lag. A similar, sorter lag occurs when inputting the scores. It's quite frustrating to work with. I have troubleshooted on my end including trying on multiple devices, my colleague tried it a their home; all have the same issue.

Has anyone experienced this? Have any solutions? Can I feed this issue to MS somehow?

  • clambert's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    PlumBob We are experiencing the same issues, with several teachers trying to correct exams on Forms, but whose delays are unbearable. I publish this message so that Microsoft reacts quickly.

  • bizimoet's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Same here and just wanted to post this so Microsoft starts looking on this issue. 

  • MrDwyerChem's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    So slow.  Prohibitively slow.  I'll have to switch back to google forms.  What a shame.  This obviously has nothing to do with the users computer.  As if they would suggest that.

  • Johan68's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    Hi, same thing here. Reported to Microsoft Forms team, scaled up 3 times, they can't find anything and blame it on the computer / antivirus / management. (we have the standard Microsoft security and Microsoft Intune management.)

    If you have more then 30 questions then the lagging begins on most pc's. (An avarage test mostly uses 30-60 questions).

    More questions: slower performance. This is definitely a programm error!

    Even on a fast computer you can see a huge increase of processor use when you simply start typing in the feedback field.


    • PlumBob's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Johan68 Same! I did another one recently and had the exact same problem. It's frustrating cause it would be such a smooth package otherwise.

      You're spot on, it can't be any of those things because I use multiple devices to access it too! My desktop, laptop and work iPad all have the same problem. I wonder if it's one of those deeply ingrained data handling issues that would require a complete restructure of the app.. Participants don't seem to have the problem; just me giving feedback. Idk how to get a Forms Dev to pay any attention!

  • Jack_Rock's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    Hi! I have experience the same issue, with two quizzes that were not massive data files. In fact, I am not currently experiencing that issue with the biggest file I have ever had. I have contacted Microsoft Education again and again, but they could not really find a reason. It was the same on every device, but only for those 2 quizzes. You can email Microsoft Education,  good luck! I was fairly useless, you get a reply days later.

    • PlumBob's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      How frustrating, but it helps to know someone else is having the same issue too!  I'll also pass it on to Microsoft Ed. I may try using the "Forms for excel" version (somehow a same but different app) as this comes with a real-time connected spreadsheet, which may be less laggy if I can run it on my PC. Will let you know if this makes any difference.



      • jaggy73's avatar
        Copper Contributor



        Same. Super slow. And it isn't the computer I work on - it has 16GB RAM and super fast fibre to the house. The form filling is so slow, I have had to create a word doc with my sentences and replies so that I can copy and paste them in to the comment field. Massive error with the software and I don't understand why microsoft can't or haven't fixed it.
