Date range for the booking site!
I have added the service and published the booking site, tested fine.
Now I am going to email the users to inform this and tell them that they can only book from from a certain date and another date.
So my question is simple, the booking site needs to be active now. But users can only book, i.e. from 01Jan2020 to 31Mar2020. How can I set a range for the dates that can be booked?
Also I find the Booking didn't incorporate the public holidays. I now have to assign a staff to the service and then time off that staff on the public holidays. I need to do this for every assigned staff and for every service. Is that a better way do this?
Thank you
wangl2 Found the answer today myself.
You can select the Service you want to change, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page. Click "Set different availability for a date range". If you only want this booking be active within certain period, make sure you select General Availability as "Not bookable" option and set availability between two dates with option "Bookable when staff are free".
If you see the option is grayed out, make sure uncheck the "Use the default scheduling policy".