Forum Discussion

Bernard_Polman's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 15, 2023

Adding event in Outlook calendar that determines availability of staff member

We are working on implementing Booking API and I want to know if the following is possible:


If I am a staff member for a service, can I add events in my Outlook calendar that determine my availability for a Booking service? For example, I am part of a "Consultation" Booking service and I add an event to my calendar that says something like "Free for consultations!" from 2 PM to 3 PM and my availability in Booking should only be according to the time in my event (from 2 to 3 PM).


This is kind of an inverse situation where my availability is set according to events I add to my Outlook events.

  • You can achive this, if you do it on a regular basis. So if you have regularly timeframes for your service in your personal calender, you can change the bookable time in the service to not based on your availability and only give these timeframe(s) as a possible booking slot free. Than this service is only bookable in your timeframe(s).
  • Unfortunately this is not possible today. Bookings only reads Free/Busy from your Outlook calendar and uses it for availability for a service.
