Forum Discussion
Name changes for Microsoft 365 Apps update channels
Hello Office Insiders,
Last month we announced that we were changing the names for the Windows update channels. Starting on June 9th, these name changes will be available broadly across documentation, product UI, deployment tools, etc. To learn more about these name changes and what to do if you're an admin, check out our latest blog post.
- LTAtos1025Copper Contributor
MS renamed the patches on the 9th June example. Office 365 Client Update - Semi-annual Channel Version 1908 for x64 based Edition (11929.20838) to Office 365 Client Update - - Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel Version 1908 for x64 based Edition (11929.20838)
then on the 18th June you completed the named change from Office 365 Client Update - - Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel Version 1908 for x64 based Edition (11929.20838) to Microsoft 365 Apps Update - Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel Version 1908 for x64 based Edition (11929.20838)
this was part way through the month, but the same version number was used, This caused the current one with the same version, to expire and in turn deleted the patch from WSUS, and then SCCM. This had the knock on effect of deleting our deployments for that patch version.
Normally any incremental changes you would have added a new version number so it does not affect anything, Can you confirm this was just a name change and did not have any additional updates.
- John_OstiCopper Contributor
We are in the same situation here currently rolling out Windows 10 with version 1908 O365, deployments for this have been removed. The name change to Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel Version around patch Tuesday was difficult enough to pick up, we changed all our filters in SCCM to reflect the above change and now another one.. Do you think you will settle on a name soon?
- Evan_BolinMicrosoft
John_Osti We apologize for any inconvenience this change has created. At this time, we have no plans on changing the names again.