Forum Discussion

ThorstenMelzer's avatar
Brass Contributor
Mar 19, 2024

Excluding documents marked for Copilot for Microsoft 365

When the restricted SharePoint search for Copilot was announced (Introducing Restricted SharePoint Search to help you get started with Copilot for Microsoft 365 - Microsoft Community Hub), I had hoped that individual documents could also be excluded from the search from the user's perspective.

For example, it may be that a working document has not yet been finalized and therefore may not yet be relevant for Copilot. There is therefore a document life cycle and after completion there will also be an outdated status at some point.


A sensitivity label would probably be the only way to mark the document on the spot, even if the logic of the label as a whole does not fit. There may also be a document in progress that contains confidential information.

So the only thing I can think of is to control the document flow within the tenant. A working document is saved in the user's OneDrive and shared as required. On completion, it is moved to SharePoint and deleted directly with the status outdated.


Or are there other approaches to exclude individual documents from the search?

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