Forum Discussion

Beat Grüring's avatar
Beat Grüring
Brass Contributor
Oct 08, 2019

Staff notebook in non education tenants?

The staff notebook looks like a good solution to manage a team as a teamleader. 

As a teamleader I have one notebook with a section for every employee.  


According to the documentation this feature is only available for education licensed customers.

However, I have seen that these types of notebooks can also be created in a enterprise subscription.


Is this a supported  scenario? Can we use the types of notebooks with business and enterprise licenses (e.g. E3) as well?


Thanks for any feedback.

  • Kelly_Edinger's avatar
    Bronze Contributor

    Hi Beat Grüring - unless I'm misunderstanding, this seems like an easy scenario to reproduce. The only downside I see is having to password protect each section for each staff member. In my notebooks, I create a different notebook for each set of permissions and then keep them all open in my app. Just as easy to navigate between, I don't have to uniquely secure tabs because each notebook is shared with a different member, and it gives us room to grow in a scalable manner.

    • Beat Grüring's avatar
      Beat Grüring
      Brass Contributor

      Actually the staff notebook solves this problem as it automatically protects the sections for the employees. No password will be needed.
