Forum Discussion

Alex Hoffman's avatar
Alex Hoffman
Copper Contributor
Oct 24, 2017

Office 365 Pro Plus activation on shared PCs without utilizing RDS

The problem is that an account that logs in initially after installation becomes the licensed account and if that user fails to log in again after 30 days have passed then the license reauthentication fails and reduced functionality mode is enabled.


Support basically relayed without RDS there is no real solution for shared PC activation in an enterprise environment. This article appears to confirm their statement however I would like to poll the community to just see if anyone has found a work around to this issue themselves.





  • Cian Allner's avatar
    Cian Allner
    Silver Contributor

    That all sounds about right. As long as a user with a ProPlus subscription logs in, it doesn't have to be the same user that first triggered the activation, they can carry on past the 30 days, though they might get prompted to sign in into Office to complete this.  Shared computer activation isn't just for RDS, it could be for classrooms, kiosks, labs etc, where any number of different users may log in regularly.  

    • Russell Meyer's avatar
      Russell Meyer
      Brass Contributor
      I leveraged this for conference rooms, didnt have the best results due to complexities defined by mgmt...but I am retesting under more ideal circumstances targeted for shared endpoints ie labs, floors, etc
