Forum Discussion

rakoellner's avatar
Learn Expert
Jan 23, 2017

Your frist experiences?

I am working with RMS and now with the Azure Information Protection in a private and enterprise sector. In my opinion the new documentation is really great (


How do you start a AIP project? Can you explain your issues?


I am working with a special topic in European dataprivacy and datasecurity, but I think we can have a worldwide discussion about AIP and the daily work with it.


  • Cian Allner's avatar
    Cian Allner
    Silver Contributor

    We haven't rolled out Azure Information Protection but there is a lot of interest in it.  What will move it forward for us is support for 3rd party email without having to use 'RMS for individuals', which doesn't work with gmail or types addresses anyway.  It's great that it support's B2B when using Office 365 or Azure AD automatically but that leaves a big gap still.


    What was demoed at Ignite looked great but I haven't heard anything about it more recently.

  • Dean_Gross's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    I think that starting with a small group of users that have a specific business case is the recommend best practice. This will help everyone get comftorable with the technology and provide you the opportunity to implement lessons learned as you scale up.


    I recommend that you join  the yammer network at It is monitored by many experts from around the world and people from the Azure IP team. They are very good about answering questions like this.


    There is a presentation at by Richard Diver that has some good info about deployment

