Forum Discussion
Susan Kim
Jun 06, 2017The Weakest Link in Your Security? People.
Here is a sobering realization: You can have the most sophisticated computer security in the world and it won't always protect you. Everything you rely on to keep your confidential data secure can be accidentally undone by one employee in a matter of seconds. That's because hackers, more and more, are attacking the weakest link in your cybersecurity - your end users. It's called social engineering. And it's a serious problem.
It's not new. This form of attack has been around longer than computers themselves, but as networks have become harder to break into manually, it's seen a huge resurgence.
What does social engineering look like?
It can take many forms. It relies on your end users' carelessness, lack of awareness, and sometimes their human kindness to get information that helps hackers sneak into your networks or even your physical location.
How do you protect your organization?
The largest hurdle to overcome is general lack of awareness. Most employees just don't have a good understanding of how and why they might be targeted.
Download this free eBook and learn more!
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