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Sep 23, 2022

New Blog Post | Microsoft Sentinel this Week - Issue #80

Microsoft Sentinel this Week – Issue #80 - Azure Cloud & AI Domain Blog (


Happy Friday everyone!
I hope your week was good. It’s been a minute since we spoke, but I can honestly admit that my time off was good. Too good, I think.
I absolutely love my job at Microsoft. But this was the first vacation in a long while where I wasn’t champing at the bit to come back. If you remember from a couple weeks ago, I talked about my intent to take my entire family (wife, kids, their spouses, grandkid, etc.) to the beach. We had not had a family vacation in 5 or 6 years, so it was definitely time.
It was wonderful, to say the least. If you get a chance to do something like that, don’t hesitate. There’s lots of awesome memories to make.
I want to take a quick second, though, to thank Andrea Fisher for helming the newsletter creation and delivery during my absence. I know you agree she did a wonderful job, and I can’t thank her enough. If you get a chance, drop Andrea a line on Twitter (@andreatfisher) to thank her.
This week’s newsletter is chocked full of goodness (as usual), so let’s get to a couple highlights.
First off, the SecurityInsights module 2.0.0 for PowerShell has finally released. This module is based on version 2021-10-01-preview. You can grab it at the following links:
Secondly, a lot of folks are still scrambling for good references to prepare for the SC-100 exam. A book from Microsoft Press featuring my colleagues Yuri Diogenes, Sarah Young, Mark Simos (Author) and Gladys Rodriguez is now available for pre-order. The actual release date isn’t until February 2023, but you can expect this one to be a valuable addition to your physical book library.
In another chapter of “Battle of the Books”, there’s also another awesome SC-100 exam prep guide coming from my good friend Dwayne Natwick. If you’re familiar with Dwayne’s content, you know this will be a book you absolutely need.
Pre-order for this one is also ready:
Disclaimer: I have written the Forward for this one.
I’m still digging out from 2-weeks away from work, so there’s lots here to do. A piece of that is preparing for a couple sessions at Microsoft Ignite 2022. I hope you’re planning to attend either in-person or virtually.
Due to some ongoing travel budget restrictions at Microsoft, my sessions for Microsoft Ignite 2022 are both virtual events so you can catch them any time after the live event.
  1. Threat response with Microsoft Sentinel playbooks - Wednesday, October 12 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
  2. Plan for cloud workload protections using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Thursday, October 13 2:00 PM-3:00 PM
I hope you’re as excited about Microsoft Ignite as I am.
Talk soon.
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