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AshleyMartin's avatar
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Sep 30, 2021

New Blog Post | 3 key resources to accelerate your passwordless journey

3 key resources to accelerate your passwordless journey | Microsoft Security Blog

Every organization today faces password-related challenges—phishing campaigns, productivity loss, and password management costs to name just a few. The risks now outweigh the benefits when it comes to passwords. Even the strongest passwords are easily phish-able and vulnerable to attacks, such as password spray and credential stuffing. People don’t like them either—a third of people surveyed say they’d rather abandon a website than reset their password. “I don’t have any more passwords left in me,” is becoming an all-too-common feeling. It’s time to look at password alternatives that are both highly secure and convenient. Here’s a few key resources that can help you as you plan for and deploy passwordless for your organization.

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