Forum Discussion

BrittanyCCP's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Nov 15, 2023

New Blog | Protect sensitive data across Azure SQL DB, Azure Data Lake using label-based access

One of the challenges for organizations is to manage and protect sensitive information, which may be distributed across data assets in different clouds or on-prem datacenters, to maintain customer trust and avoid potential penalties.


Microsoft Purview provides a unified solution and a single plane to centrally manage access of sensitive information across an organization’s multi-cloud data estate and that helps with compliance with data regulations set forth by various governing bodies, regulatory authorities, and legal jurisdictions.


Today, Purview identifies sensitive data elements in data assets, including Azure Blob Storage, ADLS Gen2 and Azure SQL Database, and can apply sensitivity labels to data assets. Please refer to Auto Label Assets for additional information. 

Read the full blog here: Protect sensitive data across Azure SQL DB, Azure Data Lake using label-based access - Microsoft Community Hub

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