Forum Discussion

BrittanyCCP's avatar
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Nov 15, 2023

Empower data security teams to proactively manage critical insider risks across diverse digital esta

In today's era of digital and AI transformation, an organization's data stands as the driving force behind its operations and future trajectory. With businesses increasingly reliant on data, the imperative task for security teams is safeguarding this invaluable resource from cyber threats and insider incidents.


Our Data Security Index report highlights the ongoing issue of insider risks within organizations, shedding light on the fact that malicious insiders are often perceived as one of the least prepared causes of data security incidents by decision makers1. These findings are aligned with research from Forrester, which indicates that insider risks accounted for 26% of the security breaches reported in the past year. What's even more significant is that over half of these incidents were intentional2.


Read the full blog here: Empower data security teams to proactively manage critical insider risks across diverse digital esta - Microsoft Community Hub

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