Forum Discussion
Oct 11, 2019Brass Contributor
Do Not Forward Button Not Showing in Ribbon
Hola Everyone,
We have Unified Labeling in our tenant and although I ran this command in PowerShell to enable the Do Not Forward Button to show int e ribbon, I still do not see it. I am using Outlook 1902. Could it be a versioning issue?
Set-LabelPolicy -Identity "Policy Name" -AdvancedSettings @{DisableDNF="False"}
Please let me know your thoughts.
Thank you.
Maria Y.
- Carol Bailey
MariaYacaman This isn't a valid advanced setting for the unified labeling client. You'll find a list of the advanced settings for policies, here:
Displaying the Do Not Forward button on the ribbon isn't supported for the unified labeling client. Going forward, all protection actions should be the outcome of a label. So for an equivalent, create a label with your choice of classification, and for the protection settings, select the option to let users assign permissions when they apply the label, and select the option "In Outlook, enforce restrictions equivalent to the Do Not Forward option"