Forum Discussion

Maverick1655's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 13, 2021

AIP for MAC - Email Attachment (labelled) opens as 'Read Only'

Hi ,


I have a Mac device and my organization has rolled out a policy which does only classification.

MacOS - Bigslur 11.6 

office - office for Mac 16.53


In below scenarios am facing issues.


Scenario 1: Another user from same domain is emailing a labelled doc. On opening the doc in email, it shows up as 'Read-only' without any label. User needs to save a copy by clicking on ‘Duplicate’ and is prompted to select a label. If the same document is Saved to Desktop and then opened, the document is editable and the applied label is visible.


Scenario 2: Unlabelled document mailed from external domain. If document is opened directly from mail, it shows up as a Read Only document without any label selected. User needs to save a copy by clicking on ‘Duplicate’ and is prompted to select a label.


If the same document is Saved to Desktop and then opened, the document is still Read Only and user is prompted to apply a label manually. Default label is not auto applied.


Please assist on how to overcome this issue. Thanks in advance.

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