Forum Discussion

treestryder's avatar
Steel Contributor
Jan 16, 2019

WiFi Device Configuration Profile - Error WindowsWifiEnterpriseEAPConfiguration 0x87d1fde8

After assigning our first WiFi Device Configuration Profile, most of our devices are now non-compliant, with the following error...

SETTING: WindowsWifiEnterpriseEAPConfiguration
STATE: Error
SOURCE PROFILES: Source Profile WiFi PeckhamData
ERROR CODE: 0x87d1fde8
ERROR DETAILS: Remediation failed

When researching this error, I found an older blog post about how to create a custom OMA-URI policy to deploy WiFi settings...

Deploy Wi-Fi profiles to Windows Phone devices with Microsoft Intune OMA-URI policy

In this article, there is a reference to the error we are receiving.

There is an undocumented value which requires for the hex value of the Wi-Fi name. This value should be added before the SSID name (see example below). If this value is not configured, the Wi-Fi profile will function but Microsoft Intune will report this as an error (0x87D1FDE8) non-compliant.

Could it be that the new(er) WiFi Configuration Type is not properly configuring the "hex value of the Wi-Fi name"? And, if this is a bug, how would I report it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
