Forum Discussion

JamesCHG's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 13, 2023

On-Prem Active Directory Profile migrate to Azure AD Profile - Existing PCs

I am testing some enrollment methods of getting an end user set up with their Azure AD profile automatically through intune/autopilot. The users currently are currently setup through On-Prem AD but we are moving to purely Azure AD join only.

As we want their windows profile to update to the Azure AD Profile (we are open to new login profiles if needed), I am trying to find an easy and automated way to unbind their PC from the On-Prem AD and just link the PC with Azure AD so they get the option to sign in with their MS Account/Email Address. The only way I can see currently is to manually unbind it on the PC and then join Azure AD through the 'Work or School' Account Settings and log them in using their MS Account


I know Hybrid AD Join is a thing, but I think that somewhat relies on the on-prem AD to enrol which we dont want moving forward as we plan to ditch On-Prem? Currently if I enrol a PC linked with On-Prem to Autopilot/Intune, it only acknowledges the compliance policies and not the Azure AD profile setup.


We do have an RMM for PowerShell script deployment if any handy ones exist? Even if the user needs to enter their MS Account at the login screen to create a profile, that is fine.


(Hopefully this all makes sense)




  • When you let the user register the device themselves, it is a Personal Owned device in Intune. I assume this is not desirable and they are devices owned by the organization. I would choose to add all these devices to Autopilot and have them work with a new profile.
