Forum Discussion

Jesse13579's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jan 10, 2024

Intune installed desktop shortcut needs to be removed

I created a desktop shortcut via intune windows app (win 32). Here is my script   New-Item -Path "c:" -Name "mem" -ItemType "directory" -Force Copy-Item "S:\Shortcuts\UKG.ico" -Destination "c:\mem...
  • Harm_Veenstra's avatar
    Jan 11, 2024
    The detection is OK if you want the shortcut removed. You must assign a group to Uninstall the program, and it will run the uninstall script. The detection will check again to see if the file is still there. If not, The removal of the shortcut should be complete.

    What does your uninstall command line look like? It should be powershell.exe -Executionpolicy Bypass -File .\uninstall.ps1
