Forum Discussion

AlenaKreitinger's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 30, 2023

Intune App Protection Policie Socialmedia

Hello everyone,

We have an app protection policy in place for all devices that prevents managed apps from sharing organization data in private apps.
Now we have the case with our social media team that they have received an image via email (Outlook - managed app) and would like to share this image on Instagram.
Instagram is also installed on this device via Intune and the Instagram app has been exempted in the app protection policy under Select apps to exempt. 
Unfortunately it still doesn't work - you always get the error message Content is currently unavailable Open this on Instagram to share it.
However, we don't want to cache the photos locally, we want to share them directly from Outlook to Instagram. Does anyone here already use social media apps such as Instagram and Facebook with app protection guidelines and can give me tips for implementation? Thank you!


    • AlenaKreitinger's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hello ShadyKhorshed,


      As you already describe in the article, it is almost impossible to find out the correct URL on iOS. Unfortunately we only have iOS devices. Following instructions from the Internet, I found the following value for Instagram com.burbn.instagram. Unfortunately, it still doesn't work, so I assume that the value is probably wrong as well.


      Thank you!

      • JanRezab's avatar
        Brass Contributor

        Hi AlenaKreitinger.


        com.burbn.instagram is correct Bundle ID for Instagram. So you have to exempt Instagram in App Protection policies as ShadyKhorshed mentioned in the article. 


        Another question: Do you have a Device Restrictions policy deployed? If yes, check "Block viewing corporate documents in unmanaged apps". 




  • app protection policies works only with apps which have the Intune SDK in it.
    Think that Instagram is not in that list.
    And what happens if you choose for using the outlook desktop app and instagram website?
    • AlenaKreitinger's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      JeroenBurgerhout It would be different here, since we do not offer notebooks for private use and they are therefore purely service devices. But I think that other companies must also have this problem - how is it solved here?
