Forum Discussion
Oct 26, 2021Bronze Contributor
install graphics driver via intune
Hi all, I have to use a specific driver for adobe and would like to install this remotely The files of the driver are: I have tried to follow this:
Oct 26, 2021Bronze Contributor
So would i only need to change the .\intel part? like I have done so below? Or is there more things I would need to change before I can get it to work with the driver I need?
#Check for path where logs will be stored if (!(Test-Path C:\Temp)) { New-Item -Path C:\ -ItemType Directory -Name Temp New-Item -Path C:\Temp -ItemType Directory -Name SU } elseif (!(Test-Path C:\Temp\SU)) { New-Item -Path C:\Temp -ItemType Directory -Name SU } function Get-Info { "[$Env:ComputerName] [$Tag] [$((Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss').ToString())] [$($env:UserName)] [$($MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber)]" } function Exit-WithCode { param ( $exitcode ) $host.SetShouldExit($exitcode) exit } $SoftwareName = 'IntelGraphics' #Check currently installed version of driver $InstallationVersion = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_pnpsigneddriver | Select-Object devicename, manufacturer, driverversion | Where-Object {$PSItem.DeviceName -like 'Intel(R)*HD Graphics*'} #Write driver version to file "$(Get-Info) Installed version $($InstallationVersion.driverversion)" | Out-File -Append -FilePath c:\Temp\SU\IntelGraph.log #Install drivers silently $Process = start-process "igfx_win10_100.8496.\igxpin.exe" -ArgumentList @('-report c:\temp\su\IntelGraph.log', '-s') -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru $Process.WaitForExit() #Determine exit of installation based on exitcode of Intel If($Process.Exitcode -eq '0'){ #Hard reboot Exit-WithCode -exitcode 1641 }else{ #Retry Exit-WithCode -exitcode 1618 }
Thanks in advance
Oct 27, 2021
Looking at the script (didnt test it myself)
".\igfx_win10_100.8496\igxpin.exe" instead of ".\Intel\igxpin.exe"
But please make sure you are packaging the folder igfx_win10_100.8496 and not only the contents of it..
So create a folder on you harddrive c:\packages
create a new sub folder igfx_win10_100.8496 in it with the contents igxpin.exe
-Create the powershell script you mentioned and place it in the c:\packages folder
-Create the intunewinapp package and select the poewrshell script as install file ... it will also add the igfx folder to it...
Looking at the script (didnt test it myself)
".\igfx_win10_100.8496\igxpin.exe" instead of ".\Intel\igxpin.exe"
But please make sure you are packaging the folder igfx_win10_100.8496 and not only the contents of it..
So create a folder on you harddrive c:\packages
create a new sub folder igfx_win10_100.8496 in it with the contents igxpin.exe
-Create the powershell script you mentioned and place it in the c:\packages folder
-Create the intunewinapp package and select the poewrshell script as install file ... it will also add the igfx folder to it...
- AB21805Oct 27, 2021Bronze Contributor
I have also tried to run the script manually before putting on intune and I get this? Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
- AB21805Oct 27, 2021Bronze ContributorThanks Rudy!
If I wanted to find out the detection rule for this thet use:
$Driver = Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_pnpsigneddriver | Select-Object devicename, manufacturer, driverversion | Where-Object {$PSItem.DeviceName -like 'Intel(R)*HD Graphics*'}
if ($Driver.driverversion -eq '') {
Write-Output 'Newest version installed'
#Exit code will be 0 and STDOUT not empty
else {
exit 1
Do I need to change the version how do I find this out to match mine?