Forum Discussion

preuley30's avatar
Brass Contributor
Sep 20, 2022

Edge Default App Associations and Azure AD registered Devices

Hi all.

I recently made a configuration profile in Intune which sets the default app associations for Microsoft Edge Browser in Windows.


  1. Export XML with "dism /online /export-defaultappassociations:appassoc.xml"
  2. removed all non-Microsoft Edge browser-related application associations
  3. converted XML in Base64
  4. Enter the code in Settings Catalog > Application Defaults > Default Associations Configuration
  5. Assigned to Device Group

So far so good. The policy gets applied on AADJ and AADR Devices says Intune but in practice the AADR Device doesn't change the associations. On AADJ Devices it works fine and I also have an Event Viewer entry with ID 814, which is missing on the AADR Device.


Is it possible that AADR Devices can't get this policy applied? And what are the Intune limitations for AADR Devices, I really couldn't find any useful documentation.


Many thanks for advice and help ❤️
