Forum Discussion
Deploy a Shortcut for RDS using Company Portal
Is it possible to deploy a shortcut to a remote desktop connection using Company portal to machines enrolled in MDM?
Hi Micheal,
you can easily create a shortcut with a PowerShell script. This can be deployed as a script native with Intune or wrapped in a .intunewin package and deployed as app containing just the simple PowerShell script. I did an example while deploying BGInfo, something like this:
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject ("WScript.Shell") $ShortCut = $Shell.CreateShortcut("C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\BGInfo.lnk") $ShortCut.TargetPath="`"C:\Program Files\BGInfo\Bginfo64.exe`"" $ShortCut.Arguments="`"C:\Program Files\BGInfo\custom.bgi`" /timer:0 /silent /nolicprompt" $ShortCut.IconLocation = "Bginfo64.exe, 0"; $ShortCut.Save()
compare my blog post install.ps1 here:
For a deeper understanding of .intunewin and app deployment with Intune look here:
- Hi Michael, You could point them to a RDS website by using the app type "Web link". This would give you a Company Portal link to your RDS website. This can even be shown as features app on the main page. But a way to publish a real shortcut which then opens the RDP connection directly is not available. best, Oliver
- Michael JensenBrass ContributorHi Oliver.
Sounds Cool. I will look into the Weblink approach.
Thanks:) - Michael JensenBrass Contributor
Hmm... Created the web link, but it does not show in Company Portal??
Okay not the best experience but maybe something you like to have anyway. I targeted it to "All Users" with assignment of "Available with or without enrollment" and got the link as featured app. but the link still shows install, after clicking install it installs the web link to the start menu where you can click and open the website...
So try the different assignment and make sure you target it to users.