Paul Bendall
Jul 25, 2022Iron Contributor
Are Intune Update Rings exposed by Microsoft Graph?
I'm working on some management reports, I'm trying to correlate the Intune update ring that a device is associated with. Are the update rings from Intune UI exposed via MS Graph API and queryable from the PowerShell SDK module - Microsoft.Graph?
Many thanks
Hey Paul yes this is possible you can use this command to get a list of all update rings an the Id:
Get-MgDeviceManagementDeviceConfiguration -Filter "isof(%27microsoft.graph.windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration%27)" -ExpandProperty "assignments"
Then you can use the id to get the statistics or more information from the update rings:Single update ring:
Get-MgDeviceManagementDeviceConfiguration -DeviceConfigurationId $deviceConfigurationId -ExpandProperty "assignments"
Status Overview:
Get-MgDeviceManagementDeviceConfigurationDeviceStatusOverview -DeviceConfigurationId $deviceConfigurationId
Status per device:
Get-MgDeviceManagementDeviceConfigurationDeviceStatuses -DeviceConfigurationId $deviceConfigurationId
Device Status Overview:
Get-MgDeviceManagementDeviceConfiguration -Filter "isof(%27microsoft.graph.windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration%27)" -ExpandProperty "deviceStatusOverview"