Forum Discussion

sn_01's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 25, 2022

Microsoft Office app for iOS not saving any file on OneDrive folder through Files app

Microsoft Office app for iOS not saving any file on OneDrive folder through Files app - save button of Office App disabled in Files app. 


I am on latest app version and latest iOS version.


Expected behaviour: 

it should be possible to save any file opened in Microsoft Office App for iOS to any file service provider showing in Files App. The Move or Save button should get enabled in Microsoft Office App for iOS prompts when trying to save its file using Files app in any folder of OneDrive folder or any other cloud service provider or the local device folder listed in Files app of iOS device. The save functionality from Microsoft Office app should be able to save files in any file storage accessible on iOS device- like iCloud, OneDrive, local file storage, Google Drive. 


Observed behaviour :


The save buttons in Microsoft Office app for iOS do not get enabled when trying to save using Files app of iOS device. The Save or Move buttons of Microsoft Office app remain grayed out / disabled whenever any file storage folder location is opened through Files app of iOS. This includes folder location of any OneDrive account folder opened through Files app. However if the same OneDrive folder is opened directly instead of through Files app, the save button of Office app is enabled. 

This observed behaviour of Save / Move button of Microsoft Office App for iOS getting disabled when any folder is opened through Files app, is erratic and not expected. 

This may be rectified. 

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