Forum Discussion
Dec 07, 2021Iron Contributor
Get-csOnlineLisSubnet | Export-csv not working
I am trying to retrieve all subnet information using the cmdlet. Get-csOnlineLisSubnet. this will give me a list of subnets. But when I tried to export it to csv using the folowing cmdlet, no subnets information are exported successfully
Get-csOnlineLisSubnet | Export-csv c:\temp\subnets.csv
Thanks in advance
- Maybe you want to update to 3.0.0, 2.0 is pretty old
you can keep track of versions here
- Hello,
Do you get something in the .csv file?- px091Iron ContributorAndres, here is the info from output csv file
#TYPE Deserialized.System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.Management.Automation.PSObject System.Management.Automation Version= Culture=neutral PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]
PSComputerName RunspaceId PSShowComputerName Capacity Count IsFixedSize IsReadOnly IsSynchronized SyncRoot 7de3aa65-628c-4971-90ca-73933355b8d1 FALSE 128 123 FALSE FALSE FALSE System.Object- I tried the exact same command as you and, this is what I get:
What is the version of the Teams module you are using?