Forum Discussion

masonb52's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 13, 2024

Citrix Profile Migrated to FsLogix - Disk Compaction fails - Ran out of time and bypassed operation

We have used David Otts script to migrate Citrix UPM profiles across to FsLogix and this is working great, with profiles now operating in a VHDx container.

We have enabled Disk Compaction via FsLogix group policy, however this does not seem to run at all. To test, we had a profile that had 5GB of data, being able to expand to a maximum of 50GB. Copied 10Gb of files into the profile then deleted them and logged out, leaving the disk expanded at ~15GB. I

Looking at logs, the error is

Disk was not compacted, Reason: Ran out of time and bypassed remaining operation

Am i missing something here? I couldn't find much on this error, but the log out process takes ~ 10 seconds and im unsure why it thinks it ran out of time.

EDIT: we are using FsLogix v2.9.8884.27471

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