Forum Discussion

Craig Power's avatar
Craig Power
Copper Contributor
May 13, 2018

Unable to Uninstall Exchange Server 2016 Due to MpsSvc Access Denied Error

I am unable to uninstall Exchange Server 2016 on a Windows 10 v1709 computer.  Running setup.exe /mode:uninstall, I receive the following error during the prerequisites check:



The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
 if (Get-Service
MpsSvc* | ?{$_.Name -eq 'MpsSvc'})
 Set-Service MpsSvc -StartupType
 Start-SetupService -ServiceName MpsSvc
 " was run:
"Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ServiceCommandException: Service 'Windows
Defender Firewall (MpsSvc)' cannot be configured due to the following error:
Access is denied ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Access is denied



I am attempting to uninstall while using a domain admin / Exchange admin account, which is also an administrator on the administrative workstation.


What do I need to do so that Exchange Setup passes this prerequisite check to allow Exchange to be uninstalled from the administative workstation?


As background, I was trying to install only the Exchange management tools on a workstation that is used for system administration.  Upon initially running Exchange Setup via the GUI on the administrative workstation and selecting only the management tools option, I received a message indicating that a previous installation had been attempted, and would I like to try to continue with that installation, to which I responded Yes.  (I had tried to install the management tools previously, but the installation at that time failed.  However, I do not recall what the specific installation error was for that failed installation attempt.)


After allowing the Exchange installation to continue, the result was that the installation completed successfully, but appears to have installed a full instance of Exchange Server on the workstation, not just the management tools.  This has now resulted in the administrative workstation now hosting shadow queues for Exchange, which is intefering with mail delivery (the intended environment is just a single-server Exchange installation.)

    • Craig Power's avatar
      Craig Power
      Copper Contributor
      Thanks for the response, Mitch.  I have tried disabling Windows Defender Firewall, but Exchange's Setup.exe still fails with the same 
      The MpsSvc service is running as Local Service; it just doesn't seem to be able to be modified by Exchange's Setup.exe (and yes, I'm running Setup.exe from an elevated command prompt, using an administrative account.)  As mentioned, disabling Windows Defender Firewall does not help. (I haven't yet tried trying to disable the MpsSvc outright, because I don't think that I will able to, even if starting in Safe Mode, and I also don't think that it will help with the core issue of Exchange's Setup.exe not being able to modify the properties of the service.)
      The initial purpose of this task was to install the Exchange Management Shell (EMS) PowerShell tools on the administrative workstation so that scripting could be performed from there, rather than directly from the server console. Microsoft has been making it increasingly clear that they don't want sysadmins to be managing servers directly from the servers' consoles (as evidenced by Server Core, Windows Admin Center, comments published by Microsoft, etc.), so I'm just trying to get with Microsoft's program.  Installing the EMS on a client workstation is supposedly supported, as per the following reference from
      The management tools in Exchange Server 2016 include the Exchange Management Shell and the Exchange Toolbox. You can install the management tools on other client computers or servers in the Active Directory domain to help you manage your Exchange organization. The management tools have similar operating system, .NET Framework, and Windows Management Framework (Windows PowerShell) requirements as an Exchange server. The notable exception is: you can install the management tools on client versions of Windows.
      I have no idea how Exchange Setup allowed anything beyond the management tools to be installed on a non-server OS, though.  The only component that I selected for installation on the admin workstation was the management tools.  There may be a bug in Microsoft's prerequisite validation or the like that resulted in actual Exchange Server components being installed on the workstation.
      Looking into it further, it appears that only TrustedInstaller has permissions to the MpsSvc service, so I'm thinking I'm going to need to either try to see if I can change the permissions on that service so that the administrative account has access to it, or just manually remove the errant Exchange server from the organization using ADSI Edit.  If I mess with the permissions of the MpsSvc, I'll probably need to rebuild the administrative workstation afterwards, because I'm not sure that I would still trust it after that, so I would much rather uninstall cleanly using Microsoft's Setup.exe.
      Any other suggestions would be welcome.
      • TAE_YOUN_ANN's avatar

        Hi. Craig


        Run the following in the PowerShell and proceed


        Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

